Force Reloads

Just as with frames, not all of a FORM is reloaded when you click the "Reload" or "Refresh" buttons in a web browser. If you have made changes to a form and you wish to view your changes on the page by using the "Reload" or "Refresh" button of the browser, you must perform a "force" reload. A "force" reload causes the web browser to completely reload your HTML page from the web server (including all graphics).

Force reloads in Netscape Communicator are performed by holding down the "shift" key while pressing the "Reload" button in the toolbar of the browser.

Force reloads in Internet Explorer are performed by holding down the "option" key (on the Macintosh) or the "control" key (on the PC) while pressing the "Refresh" button in the toolbar of the browser.

FYI: Force reloads can also be triggered from a JavaScript script on an HTML page, but a discussion of that functionality is beyond the scope of this class.

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