Exercise Three

In this exercise, you will NAME frames, and then you will TARGET those named frames from hyper-references on an HTML page. All the files that you will need to complete this exercise are available for download at the bottom of this page.

Note: "frame.htm", from the set of exercise files below, is the "solution" to Exercise Two, if you care to check your work from the previous exercise.

  1. In "frame.htm", name the FRAME tag displaying "displayPage.htm" as "main".
  2. In "frame.htm", name the FRAME tag displaying "notePage.htm" as "note".
  3. Open "leftPage.htm". There are several items in a list. Link "Widgets" to "displayPage.htm", targeting the "main" frame. Link "Gadgets" to "displayPage1.htm", targeting the "main" frame.
  4. Open "displayPage1.htm". You will be making some hyper-references in the text of the last paragraph on the page. Link the word "Dingbat" to "notePage1.htm", targeting the "note" frame. Link the word "Bumbershoot" to "notePage2.htm", targeting the "note" frame.
  5. Test "frame.htm" in the browser. Test all the links that you have just created. Make corrections, as needed.

Note: Web browsers will not completely reload frame pages when you hit the "Reload" or "Refresh" buttons. To FORCE a browser to completely reload a frame page (or any page, for that matter), you must take the following steps:

Netscape Communicator: Hold down the "shift" key while pressing the "Reload" button to initiate a "force" reload.
Internet Explorer: Hold down the "option" key (Mac) or the "control" key (PC) while pressing the "Refresh" button to initiate a "force" reload.

Download Exercise Files:
Mac files (.sit -- 7K)
PC files (.zip -- 4K)

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